Cerenity Image Gallery

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Captions + #Hashtags

Copy and paste from the captions and #hashtags below + pair with any of the images from the gallery

Option #1

Social situations can be very uncomfortable and are driven by perceived stress. This is usually because of your perception that the situation feels unpredictable, uncontrollable or overwhelming, which leads to feeling of stress and fear. Cerenity is a comprehensive formula that helps decrease the effects of stress on your mind and gives you a sense of calm. #stress #overwhelm #focus #calm #mood #irritable #worry #fear # nervous #stressrelief #HPA #adrenalfatigue #exhaustion #caffeine #gaba #functionalmedicine #integrativemedicine #orthomolecular #orthomolecularproducts #nutrition #natural #health #selfcare #supplements #wellness #theanine

Option #2

Mood imbalances such as irritability, nervousness and worry can be caused by a variety of stressors. The feelings can be triggered when an event makes you feel frustrated, pressured or uneasy. Anxiety is a natural response to stress, but when it happens often, it can be disruptive to productivity and may even cause mood swings . Put a stop to stress and support your mood with Cerenity, a comprehensive formula that provides a sense of calm and supports focus. #stress #overwhelm #focus #calm #worry #nervous #stressrelief #adrenalfatigue #functionalmedicine #integrativemedicine #orthomolecularproducts #nutrition #health #healing #supplements #wellness

Option #3

We live in a busy world where a jam-packed schedule is considered an accomplishment. The busier we are, it seems, the more important we appear to be. But if you’re so busy that you never slow down, you’ll neglect taking care of yourself and end up irritable, exhausted and impatient with those around you, no fun! Cerenity provides a comprehensive approach to combatting feelings of overwhelm and mood challenges. The ingredients will bring you back to a calm reality and stabilize your overscheduled mind. #stress #overwhelm #overscheduled #irritability #focus #calm #mood #irritable #worry #fear # nervous #stressrelief #stressless #HPA #adrenal #fatigue #exhaustion #nutrition #orthomolecularproducts #health #healing #supplements #wellness

© 2025 Ortho Molecular Products

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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