Cardio MET Pack Image Gallery

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Option #1

Patients rarely achieve their cardiovascular and blood sugar goals with a singular therapy! Cardio MET Pack contains three of the most powerful cardiovascular and metabolic supplements on the market, delivered in a convenient daily pack. Each of your daily packs contains Orthomega®, a potent highly absorbable fish oil; CM Core®, a therapeutically dosed berberine product; and Bergamot, a clinically studied fruit extract that maintains healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range. #Functionalmedicine #fishoil #Bergamot #Berberine #OrthoMolecularProducts #cardiovascula #cardiometabolic #hearthealth #omega3

Option #2

Cardiovascular health is connected to healthy blood sugar levels. Support both with one daily pack. Cardio MET Pack contains three synergistic formulas, clinically proven to maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal limit as well as support healthy blood sugar balance. Choose Cardio MET Pack for complete, convenient cardiovascular support! #Functionalmedicine #fishoil #Bergamot #Berberine #OrthoMolecularProducts #cardiovascula #cardiometabolic #hearthealth #omega3

Option #3

With Cardio MET Pack, following a metabolic health protocol is easy! With 30 individual done-for-you daily packs containing three powerful formulas, Cardio MET Pack synergistically maintains healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels already within the normal range. Choose Cardio MET Pack for complete, convenient blood sugar support. #Functionalmedicine #fishoil #Bergamot #Berberine #OrthoMolecularProducts #cardiovascula #cardiometabolic #hearthealth #omega3

© 2025 Ortho Molecular Products

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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